
海兴大数据分析和可视化平台 BD-AVP

      海兴大数据分析和可视化平台 BD-AVP(Big Data Analysis and Visualization Platform)将大数据平台、人工智能(AI)算法、商业智能(BI)工具有机地融合在一起,为包括电力行业在内的各领域企业级大数据应用提供高效的基础支持。

      受益于其先进的大数据平台和功能强大的 AI 和 BI 工具,BD-AVP 为企业提供一站式的大数据解决方案。支持多种数据类型包括结构化、非结构化、半结构化数据,具有数据存储、离线分析、在线计算、数据挖掘、可视化展示等核心功能。BD-AVP 整合各行业在大数据存储、计算和可视化展示的业务需求,为企业打造便捷的大数据应用模式,助力企业发展。

      Integrated with the power of Big Data, AI, and BI, BD-AVP (Big Data Analysis and Visualization Platform) provides the foundation for implementing enterprise-level applications in electric power as well as other fields covering government, transportation and services, etc.

     BD-AVP can process structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data, and provide the capabilities of big data storage, big data mining, off-line analysis, on-line computation, and visualization.  Based on its build-in AI and BI tools and open interface techniques, BD-AVP creates drag-drop and plug-in big data applications and makes it possible for data owners to become big data experts.  BD-AVP better serves business needs and promotes enterprise development.
