

       海兴配电大数据BD-DN (Big Data for Distribution Networks) 通过与生产管理系统(PMS)、调度管理系统(OMS)、电力营销95598系统、智能配电网运行监控平台、配电自动化系统等信息化系统的对接,自动获取配网运行原始数据,实现配网运行指标分析、可视化展示和价值挖掘。


       BD-DN (Big Data for Distribution Networks) provides distribution network performance index analysis, visualization, and trending, and creates value from the tremendous amount of operation and service data, which is integrated from various information systems: production management system (PMS), operation management system (OMS), electricity sales 95598 system, smart distribution network operational supervision and control platform, and distribution automation system.

      By taking advantage of the HiSing BD-AVP, BD-DN performs deep analysis and value-digging of the vast amount of distribution network data, guides performance and service improvement direction, and realizes informed decision-making.  With customer satisfaction at its core, BD-DN helps accomplish optimized operation and maintenance process, standardized customer service, and maximized return on investment of the power distribution networks.


